Fighting WordPress Comment Spam

If you’re running WordPress for you blog no doubt you’re getting blog comment spam on a daily basis. I never really thought to much about it WordPress ships with Akismet.

While Akismet does a great job in catching most of the comment spam it still requires you to wade through all of the spam, and delete it.

A little more than a month ago, after answering my wife’s questions of is this spam or not on her blog Cloez’s Corner I started looking for a better solution, or a solution that would allow both of us to spend our time being more productive.

After all I’m sure you’d agree that you have better things to do then spend time looking through all the WordPress Comment Spam that comes in each day, right! Most of us, myself included probably really don’t grasp the problem as far as what a time waster it is.

The solution, was to stop using Akismet and use instead Wp_spamfree plugin by Scott Allen the results have been great. While some have mentioned that it is blocking sometimes legitimate comments, I’ve not experienced that.

The Stats on Comment Spam for 30 Days

On my wife’s site in 30 days it was at 701, or an average of 23.36 per day. On my Home Business Site it was only at 177 spam comments 5.9 per day, not too bad! On my Network Marketing Blog it was 370 or 12.33 per day.

When I look at 1,248 WordPress Comment spam caught by Wp_SpamFree that did not make it into the database in that 30 day period it makes me wonder how anyone could do without it, unless you don’t value your time.

If you’re finally tired of fighting it, then this maybe the perfect solution you’ve been looking for. After all it’s better to stop spammers before they get in through the front door.